Good news | INSUN intelligence was listed on the list of "specialized, special and new" enterprises in Shenzhen in 2021

Good news | INSUN intelligence was listed on the list of "specialized, special and new" enterprises in Shenzhen in 2021

On the evening of June 15, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology announced on its official website the list of "specialized and special new" enterprises in Shenzhen in 2021, and Yingshang intelligence was successfully selected.

"Specialized and innovative" enterprises refer to enterprises with four advantages of specialization, refinement, characteristics and novelty, and are an important force to promote economic and social development. China attaches great importance to guiding enterprises to take the development path of "specialization and innovation". The fifth meeting of the central financial and Economic Commission stressed the need to give full play to the spirit of entrepreneurship and craftsmanship and cultivate a number of "specialized, special and new" enterprises.